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Green Intelligence: How AI is Pioneering a Sustainable Future

November 3, 2023

The intersection of AI and sustainability is rapidly evolving, opening new opportunities and challenges across various sectors. The potential of AI to drive sustainable outcomes is significant, especially in the data center industry, which provides the high-density infrastructure needed to support it. This dynamic is a call for Green Intelligence. In two recent articles, Phillip Marangella, Chief  Marketing and Product Officer for EdgeConneX, explores the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in reshaping the future of data centers.

The first piece, “AI and Sustainability: A Partnership Redefining Our Data Center Future,” featured on Data Center Dynamics, delves into the ongoing evolution of AI, its growing demand, and the challenges it poses to data center infrastructure. It underscores the need for data centers to adapt to the power and cooling demands of AI applications. Phillip notes that data center providers have a unique opportunity for developing new facilities in greenfield markets. With AI potentially driving the location and design of a data center, AI could also be used to track and measure the supply and delivery of 24/7 Carbon-Free Energy (CFE) into the facility. As the reach of data centers grows, so does their role in delivering new services, solutions, and applications to underserved population centers – and they can do so sustainably.

Expanding on this concept in “AI’s Yellow Brick Road,” published on Data Center Frontier, Marangella emphasizes the role of AI in driving sustainability within data centers and highlights the potential for innovative design approaches, efficient use of renewable energy, and optimal waste management in developing sustainable data centers. The rapid shift in business requirements, particularly with the rise of AI, calls for a swift response from data center providers to adapt to these changes and tailor their services to meet the unique needs of AI providers, which differ significantly from cloud or content providers.

There’s no doubt the data center industry is experiencing significant growth and transformation and has numerous opportunities for advancing sustainability and innovation. By building customized bespoke facilities according to what our customers require, EdgeConneX can integrate carbon-free and renewable energy, efficient cooling systems, improved biodiversity, and optimal waste management. Learn more about our build-to-suit solutions HERE

Working with Gridmatic, EdgeConneX has a multi-year 24/7 Energy project focused on carbon-free energy consumption that utilizes AI to perform time-based matching and is measurable and trackable in near-real time. Download our whitepaper HERE.